Mayflowers In August

I enjoy going for walks here.The whole lane is bordered by Mayflower trees on both sides. When its spring and all the flowers start blooming the place gets filled with butterflies. It’s also a short cut to reach the nearest mall so I go through here all the time.The ones which I took photos of are not that big. They were planted just a couple of years ago. There are bigger ones on the other streets but couldn’t get a good photo of them.



Mayflower 1

Daily Prompt: ( YAWN )

The prompt asks to tell what I find boring.

I just spent seven days finding out the answer to that and even more time finding things to do to solve that!! 🙂 (If you wish to read about the last few days then go here).

Having too much time and too little to do is number one on my list.  24 hours seem longer than a lifetime if there isn’t anything that you could do. Okay, so I guess 8 of that 24 can go to sleeping and 3 or so for other stuff like bath, cooking, cleaning, eating,etc, that still leaves 13 hours for going over the question what-should-I-do -now!! I found my solution in books,movies and TV.I don’t even want to think what would happen if they weren’t there. Going out should also be there on the solution list I guess. If I ever get stuck alone on an island or something I wont last more than a week!

Other things that I find boring:

Long speeches. No matter how interesting the topic was at the start it will turn into something not worth listening too if they carry it on and on.

Most of the so-called romantic movies. I say most because some movies are totally worth watching even if they follow the same theme as the others.

People who believe that the universe revolves around them.

Lame advertisements. Mainly its the videos that I find boring and stupid, the billboards don’t bother me. Again there are exceptions, there are some really awesome advertisements. Though after watching the same 20, 50,100 times they become just as annoying as the others,

That’s all for today’s post. See you tomorrow.

Break’s Over!!

Hi all,

I finally got my computer back after repairs yesterday. My computer is really old, friends of my pc were probably used by cavemen, it’s that old. From the past one year it’s starting show the signs that it’s time to get rid of it. Here’s a short list of problems I’ve had – the speakers failed, had to change some battery or  something, the screen switches to yellow color once in a while(shake the monitor and the color comes back to normal), I had to change the keyboard and the mouse.

The repair guy said something went wrong with the wires along with that he suggested a lot of things I could do to get it to work better. I said no thank you because it would be much easier to just buy a new one.

Spending seven days without a computer is awful!! So how did I spend my time ? Here’s how-
Finished the book “The Collector’s” by David Baldacci and about half of “Angel’s flight” by Micheal Connelly.

Saw some movies – Hangover 3, Breakfast club and 2 Indian movies.

Found some good photos from National Geographic magazine and sketched them.

And spent a lot more time in front of the TV than I usually do.

Going out was not really an option because of the torrential rains.For now all problems are solved so its time for me to blog again. 🙂

– Suni.

World War Z

This review is a little late considering the movie was released more than a month ago. I watched it today and it was superb! So, here’s my review, better late than never.

Many of you may have already seen the movie by now but for the sake of those who haven’t seen it I’ll try not to write any spoilers.images

World War Z is an end of the world/horror film. The world gets over run by zombies and the story followers the life of Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) and his family as they try to survive.

I’ll break down into points what I like about the movie.

1. First of all the plot was great. The story was good and it was fast. The movie does not slow down at any point and they have done a really good job by not including scenes that seem out-of-place.

2. The revamp of our ideas on zombies. The ones in this can run really fast and jump and break down doors and that makes them extra scary.

3. The suspense. I haven’t seen any movie in a while that has so many points where it makes you think “OMG,Whats gona hapen now!! ”

Here’s a short outline of the story. Gerry Lane, a former UN employee gets stuck in middle of traffic along with his family when the outbreak hits the city. The number of infected rise rapidly as each person who gets bit turns into a zombie. The family escapes to Newark and later gets rescued and is taken to a fleet of US Navy vessels. Gerry is asked to accompany a scientist to find the source of the outbreak.

They travel to South Korea and are attacked by zombies.They get rescued by survivors in the base. Gerry learns that he needs to go to Jerusalem because it looks like the people there knew about the chance of the outbreak beforehand. The safe zone there also comes under attack a short while after Gerry gets there.He makes it out on a plane but is injured when the plane crashes. Okay. That’s all from me. One last line for the outline – they find a way to fight back.

It was a really, really good movie to watch and I loved the suspense. Those of you who haven’t seen it yet put it on your list and watch it soon.

Will read the book soon and I’ll a review of that too.

State Of My Year So Far

Today’s prompt is  : Write up a mid-year “State of My Year” post.

I can’t believe that seven months are already over! It seems like its only been a week or two since I celebrated New Year. I have some good days and some bad days mixed with that where some great days and some terrible ones.

I’ll write down month by month the things that happened( Only those worth mentioning, so you wont get bored).

January : Got news that I passed a national level exam(Lets call this Exam No.1) and got selected for the interview round. That was the best news of the month as far as I can remember because this was the first time I gave such an exam and to pass it with good marks felt really great.

February : Most of this month went in studies for another exam. This one was to get selected to a University to get my Master’s Degree.

March : Gave the interview, which went okay. I was able to answer most of the things properly. This was only the second interview I’ve given in my whole life and it was way better than the first one.

April : Celebrated my birthday with family and then again with friends, got news that I cleared the interview and the selection exam of the university. This was probably the best month this year because  I kept getting something  to be happy for, almost every week.

May : Nothing worth mentioning happened. Just roamed around, studied,had a good time and gave another exam(lets call it Exam No.2).

June : Started this blog!! That was the best part of the month. The worst part – Got two real nasty news that even though I cleared my interview my marks where two points lower than the limit set by them to select who gets a job and I didn’t even clear Exam no.2.

July : Another good month. Blogging, going out with friends, spending time with family, reading, watching movies and eating good food – that sums this month.

That’s my year so far. I’ll probably spent most of August reading. My uncle came over for a visit last week and knowing how much of a bookworm I am brought lots of books for me to read. Will have to wait and see what the next five months hold for me.

A Day Out

Spent the day with my friend – roaming around and getting some errands done. Stopped by the local pond(more of a lake), the area around which has been converted to a small park and enjoyed the cool breeze and ice creams. My friend bought a new mobile with 8 MP camera so decided to take some shots with that.


Tried to brighten up the image a little. The sky was overcast and it started raining a short while after we got there..

Will post more photos soon.


Sunday Song # 8

Song : “Breakeven” by  The Script

This is another of my favorite bands. The Script is an Irish band from Dublin who released their first album in 2008.Most of their songs are about heartbreak and lost love but they don’t use sad music and use good beats instead. I like the lead singer’s voice and their lyrics.

The song below is my favorite from the band as of now. I love the lyrics and the music. It is from their first album. The music at the starting of the song used to be my ringtone. They released their third album last year and it looks just as good as the ones before.

Other songs that you might like:

  • For the first time
  • The man who can’t be moved
  • Nothing
  • Millionaires
  • If you ever come back
  • Hall of fame
  • Six degrees of separation


Daily Prompt : Dinner

Prompt for today:
Photographers, artists, poets: show us DINNER.

I’m not that good when it comes to plating so I don’t how good my dinner looks to you but it sure was tasty.

Dinner for today was Veg Chow Mein and some potato wedges( and spicy ketchup). This was the only edible thing I could make with the items in the house right now.I think I did pretty well. 🙂
