Daily Prompt: ( YAWN )

The prompt asks to tell what I find boring.

I just spent seven days finding out the answer to that and even more time finding things to do to solve that!! 🙂 (If you wish to read about the last few days then go here).

Having too much time and too little to do is number one on my list.  24 hours seem longer than a lifetime if there isn’t anything that you could do. Okay, so I guess 8 of that 24 can go to sleeping and 3 or so for other stuff like bath, cooking, cleaning, eating,etc, that still leaves 13 hours for going over the question what-should-I-do -now!! I found my solution in books,movies and TV.I don’t even want to think what would happen if they weren’t there. Going out should also be there on the solution list I guess. If I ever get stuck alone on an island or something I wont last more than a week!

Other things that I find boring:

Long speeches. No matter how interesting the topic was at the start it will turn into something not worth listening too if they carry it on and on.

Most of the so-called romantic movies. I say most because some movies are totally worth watching even if they follow the same theme as the others.

People who believe that the universe revolves around them.

Lame advertisements. Mainly its the videos that I find boring and stupid, the billboards don’t bother me. Again there are exceptions, there are some really awesome advertisements. Though after watching the same 20, 50,100 times they become just as annoying as the others,

That’s all for today’s post. See you tomorrow.

State Of My Year So Far

Today’s prompt is  : Write up a mid-year “State of My Year” post.

I can’t believe that seven months are already over! It seems like its only been a week or two since I celebrated New Year. I have some good days and some bad days mixed with that where some great days and some terrible ones.

I’ll write down month by month the things that happened( Only those worth mentioning, so you wont get bored).

January : Got news that I passed a national level exam(Lets call this Exam No.1) and got selected for the interview round. That was the best news of the month as far as I can remember because this was the first time I gave such an exam and to pass it with good marks felt really great.

February : Most of this month went in studies for another exam. This one was to get selected to a University to get my Master’s Degree.

March : Gave the interview, which went okay. I was able to answer most of the things properly. This was only the second interview I’ve given in my whole life and it was way better than the first one.

April : Celebrated my birthday with family and then again with friends, got news that I cleared the interview and the selection exam of the university. This was probably the best month this year because  I kept getting something  to be happy for, almost every week.

May : Nothing worth mentioning happened. Just roamed around, studied,had a good time and gave another exam(lets call it Exam No.2).

June : Started this blog!! That was the best part of the month. The worst part – Got two real nasty news that even though I cleared my interview my marks where two points lower than the limit set by them to select who gets a job and I didn’t even clear Exam no.2.

July : Another good month. Blogging, going out with friends, spending time with family, reading, watching movies and eating good food – that sums this month.

That’s my year so far. I’ll probably spent most of August reading. My uncle came over for a visit last week and knowing how much of a bookworm I am brought lots of books for me to read. Will have to wait and see what the next five months hold for me.

Daily Prompt : Dinner

Prompt for today:
Photographers, artists, poets: show us DINNER.

I’m not that good when it comes to plating so I don’t how good my dinner looks to you but it sure was tasty.

Dinner for today was Veg Chow Mein and some potato wedges( and spicy ketchup). This was the only edible thing I could make with the items in the house right now.I think I did pretty well. 🙂





Being Indecisive

Things work better for me when there is a plan. There are only a few situations in which I don’t have a problem with short notices, all other cases freak me out. Having a plan is one thing, making one is even more work for me. I think too much before deciding on one thing.

When I see the topics in daily post I immediately go into thinking mode. My thought process is similar for whenever I use prompts. First question : Should it be a written post or a photo? If I decide to write then the next question pops up; should I write about this or is it better to write about that?

After going through the same thing for today’s post, I thought of a couple of topics that I could write about then decided why not just do a post on me and my crazy decision-making issues.

It’s easier for me to write when I decide on the topic before hand but using prompts means I need to come up with something in a short time. I mentioned before, its a bit of a problem for me to decide in such situations. Which is the reason I joined the daily post on WordPress. I really need to get out of the comfort zone so I’m hoping having to post fast on some topic will help me get better at-least when it comes to writing.

Picking which dress to wear, what book to read ,which movie to watch are the easy stuff that I don’t need time to think about. But if someone(usually my mom) tells me you have to go out and do these things today I start panicking because there isn’t a plan. I need a plan or I need to know before I that I may have to go out and do things.Yeah, I’m weird!! I like going out and just roaming around but if there are things that need to be done then the planning starts and  more often than not there will be a list in my pocket or at-least it my head when I go out after all the planning.

There is no way I can be  leader of any sort. I will take up to much time to come up with things. I don’t think I make bad decisions, at least that’s what I can say from things till now, but I take too much time.

Does anyone have similar problems when it comes to making decisions?
P.S This post is not exactly what the prompt tells to write about but it is what made  me come up with the post.


My Plans For A Home

Daily Prompt : You win a contest to build your dream home. Draft the plans.

First of all I’ll be too happy that I won a contest! I never win anything. So plans for a new home… I’ll leave the actual planning to the architects and designers otherwise I might design something that even burrowing animals wont enter. I’ll break  down into points what I would love to have in my house.

1. I don’t want anything too big. Big houses never look like a home to me. What I need is a home not just a house. That said, I don’t want anything too small either. I won a contest  so they better build be something good!

2. I need a big garden. I grew up in a house full of flowers and trees and I prefer that my house also has the same and I would love if there was a patio overlooking the garden.

3. I want a perfect bedroom.Perfect shade of a color on the walls, pretty curtains, perfect lighting and of course a beautiful bed.

4. I need a big kitchen. I might not be the best at cooking but it’s something I enjoy so no comprise or adjustments when it comes to this area of the house.

5. A wall to ceiling bookcase.As I love the feel of reading an actual book I tend to buy a lot of them and  I intent to buy more in the future so this is a necessity.  Right now I only have space to keep 50-60 books the rest are locked up in a trunk.

6. Wide open spaces as much possible with natural lighting.

That’s all I can think of in such short notice. I might come up with more in future but this is all for now.




I chose these pics for today’s Daily Prompt : Distance

The view of the Malampuzha Gardens from the halfway point before reaching the top of the dam. If you look closely you can see the rope-way which passes over the garden and a canal.



The view from the top of Malampuzha Dam, Palghat. The river follows through parts of the Western Ghats mountain range.


The Way I am

The lyrics from the song It’s Time by Imagine Dragons is stuck in my head from a few weeks now probably because I’ll been replaying the same playlist again and again and this is one of the songs I like the most from the playlist.

The best part for me in the whole song is the following verses:

“I’m just the same as I was

Now don’t you understand

That I’m never changing who I am”

Okay,I know the band probably meant  something a little different when they wrote the song but I like it because it’s the reply I like to give to everyone who keeps suggesting to change this and change that.

In middle school I was the shy kid who got bullied. In high school I had learned to stand up for myself but being the fat kid who was more or less a nerd,  I didn’t really fit in with everyone. I’m still a nerd but I’m in better shape than before. Then there are the people who believe they are perfect and always keeps telling what I should do to get better. I don’t need there so-called advice, I like myself the way I am. I don’t reject everything people say outright, I do give it a thought to know whether I should consider what they said but most of the times it useless stuff. I have people who don’t mind the way I am and I’ve learned not to care about the others.

This post turned out to be a bit of a rant but I said what I had to say.

Written as a response to the Daily Prompt.
(Write whatever you normally write about, and weave in a book quote, film quote, or song lyric that’s been sticking with you this week.)


Daily Prompt: Photographers  show us OUTSIDE.

I took this photo while going for a drive with my dad. Even though it’s a little blurred there is something I like about this photo. The blurriness makes it look like everything is moving  or changing. This kind of fits seeing how fast this city is developing. When I moved here 10 years ago this was a small town with old buildings and the outer areas that where all under development.

This street in the photo used to look dull with just a few streetlights here and there, potholes and only a few shops. The other side of the road is a huge pond. Within a span of a couple of years the road and the rest of the city got a makeover. The street is one of the best drives now. The road is smooth, the area with the pond resembles a small park and shopping complexes have come up on the other side.





Today’s prompt reminds of when we were kids. We used to exchange collectibles hoping to complete our collections. Those who had the prized and rare ones usually got a better deal when it came to exchanges.

Then we grew up and now we exchange our life and soul for the money paid by the corporate world. Unfortunately since money is involved this doesn’t fall under the gamut of Barter. But in a way it still is a barter isn’t it?  The word barter brings up the picture in our minds of dusty markets where people buy things in exchange of goats and chickens. Seeing most of us don’t actually have those we might have to come up with new items for trade. Maybe offer up laptops and iPods, or designer labels and accessories  in exchange. Not such a good picture to think of.

The prompt asks if the world worked on a barter system how I would fair. My answer- not that good. I don’t have anything to give in exchange. Unless they’ll take books, if they do then I can live comfortably for a few years. After that I have no idea what I’ll do, may be I’ll write for exchange or take photographs. I really don’t think I have anything else to give  unless I learn something new.

After considering the alternative being a worker bee in the huge corporate hive doesn’t look that bad. I was a good employee when I had a job. Hopefully someday soon I’ll find another office to be part of.

Written as a response to the Daily Prompt : Barter System.

Life As A Wanderer

I like the idea of a living a nomadic life.  In-fact I  prefer it to living at one place. It would be nice to have a home base but that is not completely necessary. The picture that comes to mind when I  hear the word nomad is of camels and tents.I don’t intent on living like that. I’ll prefer some kind of lodging , nothing big just something to live in for a while.Travel

Growing up I moved around a lot. I’ve lived in five different cities in three different states and studied in six different schools. I am living in the same city for that last ten years and it’s driving me a little crazy. I can’t live anywhere for a long period of time, and by long I mean two or three years. After a while there is nothing left to see in the city, nothing new to experience.

There is a pure pleasure in exploring a new city. Seeing things for the first time, the food, the way of life, the people, the buildings and the sights. Everything about a new city is so exciting. It’s like a gift waiting to be unwrapped. You have no idea what to expect when you turn a corner.

It’s better if you can actually stay in a place for some time, say a year or two, instead of being a tourists that stays a week. As a tourist we just follow a map and flock to the sights that are known to be famous. Every city has much more to offer. Hidden gems that only those who stay long enough get to know.

I’m a light traveler. Everything I need to live can be packed in one bag. Well, if I am going to be a nomad then I guess I’ll pack two bags( a little more things if you have no home-base). I might have to leave behind all my books but I’ll switch over to kindle or something.

I hope I get to at-least travel a lot more in the future even if I don’t actually became a nomad. Just pack my bags, meet new people, enjoy new food and explore a new place.

Written as a response to Daily Prompt: Rolling Stone (If you could live a nomadic life, would you? Where would you go? How would you decide? What would life be like without a “home base”?)

P.S  The Daily Prompt for July 20th is almost the same so I’m using the same post with a little addition that’s given below.

The prompt has an another question in it – What makes a place “home” to you?

For me home is any place where I can be happy.I’m not saying I have to be happy 24/7 but if the life there is good then any place can be considered as home.